Thursday, July 12, 2007


Would I accept a position from Pharaoh or Caesar or the President if offered one? If protection for my people, whoever my people are, was offered, would I sell myself for a place at the power's table? I haven't a reason to anticipate such an offer; why would I be in such company? And yet, I imagine one day will come when folks like me, Christians who profess no faith in the kingdoms of this world, will be asked to pledge allegiance to such foreign powers, even powers we seem already to close to by default of our place of birth.
Numerous others have already pitched their tents in the power's camp, raising star-spangled banners high in front of their church buildings, before the cross. They've been teased into positions of authority, and yet the bread they eat at Caesar's table is poisonous and stinks of death. They may think of themselves as Joseph, son of Jacob called Israel, but they are more like Judas.
Church! No longer grovel at the gates of the White House. Lay down your weapons purchased in fear. Take down your flags, those banners displaying no mercy, stitched with shrapnel and greed. Shake of the dust from your feet, for you have neither spoke the message of Christ nor was it been accepted.
But, Joseph, if you are hiding there, be revealed. Judas, admit your ways. I, too, once help my hand to my breast and spoke apostasies. Now, I pray, help me stand fast, You who remained silent before the governor and the priests. May I too know myself in such a way to remain true to my Lord, even in the face of blood, bone, and blue steel.

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