Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I hear of wars,
read of insurrections,
positioning of fleets,
underground plans.
I'm not exactly afraid,
feeling safe here
in these mountains.
Why would I ever
taste these wars,
touch insurrections?
It's more comfortable
to read the dreams
of kings and conquerers
from a computer screen.
Jesus' words are spoken
daily by the structures,
"I am he,"
"the time has come."
Few can remember
how to listen,
how to not listen,
for few want to hear
rumors of wars
for the hate they are.
And I don't want to fear.
But I'm feeling trapped
in safety and knowledge;
I know nothing
of suffering.

(Daniel 2:31-45, Daniel 3:57-61, Luke 21:5-11)

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