Tuesday, June 19, 2007


What is the Father's perfection, that perfection we are called by Christ to participate in? Who am I to say anything about perfection, that mysterious internal life of the Godhead? And I am to be perfect? And yet, perfection seems to be an activity, and outpouring of the internal life. The Father's perfection has been revealed in Christ, who truly did those things that mark perfection, loving enemies, greeting the outcast. God's perfection is marked by earthly poverty, the poverty Christ lived. Poverty allows one to rely upon the Father, and the Father will pour out abundantly the Spirit, the seal of participation with God. For I am no one to say anything about perfection, about the mysterious interiors of the dance of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and yet the Spirit rests upon me, the fulfillment of Christ's words rest on my heart, the will of the Father beckons me to seek and follow. My internal life must be transformed in order that perfection, the outward activity of my transfigured soul, might be experienced. This is participation with the Godhead: poverty and glory, service and abundance, persecution and protection.

Praise the Lord, my soul. Meditate upon God's perfection and be humbled. Look upon the love of the Father, the life of Christ, and movement of the Holy Spirit, and be transformed, transfigured into the likeness of God.

(2 Corinthians 8:1-9, Psalm 146, Matthew 5:42-48)

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