Monday, June 18, 2007


Life lived well is life lived in paradox. To do good will bring one bring one ill will. To love, one will be hated. The world says it is fine for us to acquire and keep for ourselves whatever we can lay our hands on, but the blessed life leads us to hand over our possessions, for nothing belongs to us; all is a gift.

"If I tell you I am lying, am I telling the truth?"

Something is wrong is this world, yet the right can be found even in the wrong, for light shines through the darkness. The darkness itself is found out by light, trying to escape the rays of goodness. Let us know the truth. Let us know the light. Let us overcome the darkness in which we tried to hide. Let us enter into hardship and ascesis, into vigils and fasts, into the power of the Holy Spirit which humbles us. Let us embrace the paradox of faith and love and life lived well.

(2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Psalm 98, Matthew 5:38-42)

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