Saturday, June 23, 2007


Strength and weakness. Paradoxical. Complementary.
God and mammon. Mutually exclusive. Contradictory.

This is not to make life appear to be some sort of equation or game of comparison. But perhaps it is meant to get us thinking about trust. Mammon and strength fail us; we will find out we're not as strong as we think and mammon will always try to take everything from us. But God and weakness do not fail. If we go on assuming, sincerely, our weakness, we will often discover strengths we did not know existed, reservoirs of help. Further, God is a great provider; all we need he will provide. We must simply learn to be content. This is not simply to be accepting of whatever comes our way, for it is more than possible that injustice will darken our doors and such is not something that we will roll over for. Faith overcomes injustice for it defers to God, the maker of justice, the sustainer of all that is good. And, yet, we can be content in the face of injustice having this knowledge that God has overcome it. This is a source of strength when we are weak.

Forgive me, Lord, for writing so plainly. I find it difficult this morning to write with great feeling or conviction. And so, now, with as much sincerity as I can muster, I ask that you would provide for me contentedness in the midst of my lull, strength in the face of my numbness, grace in place of my doubt. Come Holy Spirit, giver of life, dress me like a day lily on the side of a Tennessee road.

2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Psalm 34, Matthew 6:24-34)

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