Thursday, September 20, 2007

Taste the Voice of Weeping

Tears can come with the hearing of a certain voice.
An echo of a call heard before.
An image of the self in another lowly one.
And tears are often a sign,
a clarifying blur when how to see is forgotten.
How low we are.
How small.
How young in the age of the creation.
How can we assume to teach a thing?
Knowledge seems such a reach,
and yet, we are to share?
Love, be pure, speak?
Where do the words come from?
And so we see our tears fall,
we taste their preserving saltiness.
Fear and trembling:
wisdom and discipline.
Taste the goodness of that guiding voice.
Be still and listen.
Love, then, and speak,
and weep.

(1 Timothy 4:12-16, Psalm 111, Luke 7:36-50)

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