Saturday, June 30, 2007


Three Travelers

You three Travelers,
if you would,
come into my dwelling place.

Let me set a table for you.
My heart is calling me to serenade
you with my magnificat.

Though I don't find myself worthy
somehow these words escape
out of my mind, and I invite.

Please, return with your news
in one year,
this afternoon, this evening,


You three Travelers,
who span the desert
and breathe forth the sky,

stir the stars,
yet visit my tent,
my heart,

that place of my being,
that self I have not a word to call.
We sit at a table

with blue candlelight
to see anew and of old and inside,
into times and places not yet seen.

For these are dreams dreamed.
And if you would
let me travel with you,

you three Travelers,
or if needed,
have me stay

ready for your ever-return.

(The above icon is Andrei Rublev's Trinity. It is based on the three travelers in the Genesis 8 who visited Abraham. Abraham showed them hospitality and they said when they returned in a year, he would have a son by his wife Sarah, even in their old age. Rublev brilliantly takes this story and uses it to help us to glimpse with faith into the mystery of the Triune God.)

(Genesis 18:1-15, Luke 1:46-55, Matthew 8:5-17)

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