Monday, June 25, 2007


"Do not judge." I have never been good at following this commandment. Sometimes it is as if the log in my eye tells me it's really a telescope through which I see things up-close and clearly; really it is on fire. I will also forget the times when folks have helped me to locate the problems with my sight.

Once you have clear vision not judging becomes positive; it's no longer a matter of not doing something. You might finally learn to say affirmative things. I'm not good at saying thanks to others. I'm often blind to others' goodness. The log in my eye causes me to only look at myself, and not necessarily in a critical way, the way I ought to look at myself. For this reason, I need others to make known to me my faults.

I want to be a self-reflective person, not self-interested. I want to encourage others to do good, not forget to acknowledge when they do. How long will this take? How long until I walk as one who has entered the land of promise, the land of abundance, milk and honey, unending kindness?

Forgive me, Father, for my sight is sinful. I am in need of your grace, in need of your kindness. Make me into one who is able to live with and for others, even when I am alone and feeling abandoned and forgotten. You call us to remember. Keep me in the presence of the Holy Spirit, that I may live out the words of the Son, Jesus Christ, both whom live and reign with you forever and unto all ages. Amen.

(Genesis 12:1-9, Psalm 33, Matthew 7:15)

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