Paradise belongs to children.
Let us not, however, assume their assignment
is some merit of innocence.
Innocence, in much of our thought,
presumes a guilt to soon, inescapably, come,
therefore being a present reality even in
that supposedly short season of guiltlessness.
Forget, then, innocence.
It is of no consequence.
Remember instead that all God has made is good.
We've simply come to believe
we can make ourselves good,
declaring those not in line with our rule guilty,
and condescendingly calling those who
"can't yet understand," innocent.
"Keep them all away from our savior,
his will belongs to us.
Our will be done in heaven as it is on earth."
So we think, unthinkingly.
And our cycles of knowledge trample on forward,
drought and war,
those innocent children starving,
those guilty citizens by the shore drowning.
How far our understanding has brought us!
How blessed by the promises we make,
the rules we obey!
But don't we know paradise is a child's place?
Oh, it's not something to be known,
understood, maintained, controlled.
Its growth is a mystery of God,
a provision of the Spirit that stirred the waters
and brought up the land from their depths,
and sowed the trees and flowers,
put flight into birds,
courage into the lion,
trust into the lamb,
breath into the human being.
Why do we try to breath on our own,
for ourselves?
Why have we fabricated wealth?
It has decreased what we call health
with the Creation moaning
as we wither her away
for selfish and passing gain.
Paradise is a child's for she comes with nothing,
and nothing in the hands of God,
in the eyes of the Son,
upon the winds of the Spirit,
is everything,
for there,
in the Void and Presence,
her being is.
To be a child,
unbound by the pretensions
of man made manners and civility,
oh, what grace and wonder!
Become a child and no longer despise yourself,
but see the sacred all around,
in you,
in the ground and out of it,
God being in and through all.
Hear God's voice,
"It is good, you are very good.
Let us dwell and delight in paradise."
(Joshua 24:14-29, Psalm 16, Matthew 19:13-15)
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