Saturday, August 25, 2007


Authority belongs to no one,
that is it is not naturally an endowment,
not something to be possessed,
for quickly it becomes that which possesses
dominating all motivations
blinding all vision
until one sees only objects to be ruled.
Such is the curse of civilization,
that overnamed justification for rule.
Rule has gone uncontrolled,
and we who love must give up.
Give up our positions,
give up our dreams for high places.
"Let no one call you teacher or master."
Those seeking power, take note.
Those ascenting to the lords of nations,
resting in the drapery of flags
and bowing to idols of ideals,
let go of your slave master,
they will not defend you
nor shall you every feel the warmth of love
from their cold hearts.
And, yes, who would apparently be described
as authorities are actually not,
though quickly one slips,
but they may actually come beside you as servants.
Deny yourself power and false promise of power's hand.
Then you will know the sweet taste of trust,
the lingering aroma of peace.
Authority and governance is a hateful lie,
but you may know loving truth.
(Ruth 2:1-13, 8-11, 4:13-17, Psalm 128, Matthew 23:1-12)

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