The more I reflect on the history and ways and humankind I am further convinced something is terribly wrong. It would not take much to convince others of this, however, everyone has their own explanation, or at least they have swallowed another's. (I suppose some, maybe too many, haven't an idea, this being good or bad.) Some of the explanations are part of the problem. The Fall, depravity, Original Sin. These become excuses.
I wouldn't call our problems the result of immaturity, though, perhaps we haven't quite yet grown into our roles. What if for years people did know how to live with one another? They did not live above each other, but with one another. There was no need for governments, for the world brought them along. The trees provided their fruit, the ground its roots and roughage, the sun its warmth, the clouds their water. No one possessed a thing.
But then possession came in. Then government. Then owners. Then slaves. Then scarcity. Then destruction of forests. Then sin.
We've been trying to get back ever since.
Oak trees are meant to be oak, the day lily a day lily, and I am meant to be a human being. But I've forgotten how. I'm trying to remember.
I am not meant to have a rich man rule over me, nor am I meant to kill anything.
I am meant to love, which is to be in harmony with all, to sing my part, and listen to the tones of others. The wind is my friend as is the silence.
Fairness and justice inhabits naturally in the original reality. Everyone receives the same wage, for no wage is needed.
I'm not speaking of utopianism, communism, conservativism, monarchy, theocracy, liberalism. No government. We were not meant for that.
History, let us be.
(Judges 9:6-15
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