Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Someday, I will see not with my eyes but with my spirit. I may even be coming upon that day, or perhaps have had it pass me, and shall find it again. This sight is more than belief in our contemporary arrangement of that word. It is an entire disposition, and entire arrangement of life, and as such cannot be relegated to the non-thinking mind, for it is a new mind, a renewed mind, a mind that means to unite itself with the mind of God while all the time knowing it is below that, yet seeks still. This mind does not need to stick its fingers in the side of Christ, for with eyes closed it sees. It believes. It be-lieges, that is it pledges allegiance to Christ, and sets itself to the task of the Apostle's teachings. This sight, this mind, I desire.

(Ephesians 2:19-22, Psalm 117, John 20:24-29)

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