Friday, June 22, 2007


To boast. Oh, how it seems I love to. I'm usually unaware when it begins, but then, I notice, and I backtrack, and I begin an awkward silence. Perhaps I do have things boast about, to be proud of, moments and mindsets. But often these days I find myself boasting out of turn, out of place, under my breath. Boasting so often comes when we begin to compare ourselves with others, and we attempt to differentiate. And this is a root of division, a seed of contention, and when the flower blooms its petals seep poison. Such is why humility is a virtue.

Humility doesn't simply downplay accomplishments; it defers them to God and others. It recognizes limits and accepts boundaries, and yet miraculously it overcomes obstacles and topples pride. Humility allows our spiritual eyes to see, those lamps to our being. To boast in ourselves is to invite darkness, for we bring clouds overhead and block out the sources of light. But humility sets us free from fear of failure and allows us to walk with a newborn,s confidence; we can always go to our knees.

Let me no longer boast of myself, Lord, but only of the weakness you have granted me. Soften my heart and give me words to tell of you graciousness.

(2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30, Psalm 34, Matthew 6:19-23)

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