Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Is there a law now, or is there no law? Today, Jesus and Paul seem to come to a crossroads. The promised Spirit Paul says has overthrown the law, but Christ lifts up the letter. No letter shall pass, Christ proclaims. The glorious letter is death, Paul decries. What then is it? How can the fading be called to endure? The law is not God, still the Word spoke it and proclaimed it, who then is Paul to set it aside, if that is what he was doing? I wonder if the life of the Spirit is a new law. Do all realities have certain laws and orders? I imagine the life lived fully in the Spirit to be one of pure freedom. I also think of the law of Moses as an attempt at freedom, a way of overcoming the disparities of the world, though it was incomplete. The life of the Spirit, then, would fulfill the law, for it does what the law was unable to completely do: provide perfect freedom.

Gracious God, I'm not sure what do do with all of this talk of law and freedom. I can only bumble around with words right now, attempting to find my way, find your way. Grant my mind freedom to search your mysteries, to see the ways you would have me live, in order that I might more faithfully serve you. Seal me with the Holy Spirit, that giver of life, that fresh breath of air, that taste of the glorious life to be lived now and to come in eternity. Grant this through Christ, the fulfillment of the letter, the redeemer of all the created order. Amen.

(2 Corinthians 3:4-11, Psalm 99, Matthew 5:17-19)

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