Monday, December 17, 2007


(a homily)

"O God, with your judgment endow your people to follow their King. May justice flower in the days we submit to him, and profound peace."

Something magnificent if happening among us. It has been happening for years. A king has come, a King who has blessed all tribes. He is of the tribe of Judah, mighty in its meekness. He is the descendant of Hebrews and holy women of other peoples. He cried mightily on this earth, as an infant, as an innocent criminal forgiving his murderers. And his cry reaches us today. We are to hear it and follow.

Let us recognize our King of both humble human genealogy and incomprehensible, mysterious, eternal, divine Godhood. We are called to recognize our King by following his way of justice, peace, and mercy. We hear this call as we worship and pray, opening ourselves to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Such a calling, such a way of life requires the stability only the Spirit offers, and we touch and taste our King's sustenance in the meal before us. We feast on his body and blood which was unjustly broken. But his justice overcomes injustice; his peace overcomes violence. Let us come to God in this meal with all our life asking that we may be made people worthy and able to follow our King, the Lord Jesus Christ, the God who brings justice and peace to the world.

(Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72, Matthew 1:1-17)

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