Thursday, October 4, 2007


When I wear sandals
my feet become dirty.
The soul becomes darkened.
I usually don't go to places
expecting some reception;
what is my presence?
Or do I?
I have expectation,
you can see them accumulate
on my soul.
Are they good?
Or must I brush them off.
There is no hiding
I have something to say.
Must I say it?
I need new words,
a new sending.
The ground I tread,
my face to it,
there you should find me.
In the hearing of the Word,
there you should find me.
And all should be received
with openness and sweet drink,
a table or couch
and lively conversation.
Sandals can be left at the door
or left on feet,
the dirt now with new meaning.

(Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12, Psalm 19, Luke10:1-12)

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